Today, we share an inspiring journey of triumph, dedication, and the profound impact of recognition on a business that has consistently strived for excellence and innovation. We bring you an exclusive insight from a previous winner of the Go North Wales Tourism Awards - Annie, from Plas Dinas Country House. Through her words, we look at what it means to be a part of these prestigious awards and the transformational journey that follows.

We would like to thank Annie for taking the time to share her story with us.

Interview with Annie from Plas Dinas Country House:

What inspired your business to enter the Go North Wales Tourism Awards last year, and how did you prepare your submission to stand out among the entries?

"North Wales Tourism has been a huge influence in my career for the last 15 years, alongside me throughout, inspiring me when working for other companies at the start of my career, always striving to one day own my own hotel, looking on and learning from those winning the awards. Winning such an award after being judged by industry professionals will always mean the world to us."

Since winning the award, can you share some of the positive impacts—both expected and unexpected—that this recognition has brought to your business?

"Winning the award has highlighted the great work of our team and brought our beautiful country house hotel and restaurant to a wider audience particularly on social media. It brought huge responsibility as you want their stay to be memorable and to exceed expectations. Winning the award provides that first level of trust that we are worth trusting with such life memories."

How has winning the award affected the way customers view your business, and have you noticed a change in the type and volume of clientele since receiving this accolade?

"It has supported the reviews that we receive, the kind cards and gifts we receive each week and provides an element of confidence to guests who are thinking of spending their hard-earned money with us."

How has this success influenced the morale and motivation of your staff, and how do you continue to inspire them towards excellence?

"The first time we won back in 2021 was straight after covid. It was an amazing experience and hit us with great emotion. That first awards by Go North Wales/North Wales Tourism back in 2021 was certainly a taster for the team. A driving force and the award that we will always strive to win."

What advice would you give to businesses considering entering the Go North Wales Tourism Awards this year, based on your experience from entry to winning?

"Go for it. Enter and embrace the experience. Be part of something so unbelievably special. It’s not just about the award, it is about being part of something so incredibly special. Showcasing North Wales to the big, wide world."

Annie's words resonate with the true spirit of what it means to be part of the Go North Wales Tourism Awards. It isn’t merely about winning; it’s about embracing the journey, showcasing the beauty of North Wales, and being a beacon of excellence and hospitality. The accolades are a testament to hard work, unity, and the relentless pursuit of excellence.

Your story could be the next one we tell. To learn more about the awards and how you can be a part of it, visit Join us in celebrating tourism in North Wales, where every story is a journey, and every journey is a memory etched in the hearts of those we welcome.




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