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Blas Lon Las
Type:Farm Shop
Lon Felin Hen Road
LL57 4BB
Tel: 01248 602793

We stock the shop with a wide variety of fruit and veg, as locally sourced as possible so we support our neighbouring producers. Where we can’t buy it locally we seek to buy it ethically. We are meeting your demands – told to us through over 250 survey responses – providing you with the local farm shop you wanted and desperately need.
What do you get shopping locally?
If you buy local foods you gain:
Access to locally made foods and treats which can’t be found in supermarkets worldwide.
Better for the environment. Foods which have only come from a few miles away, even a few steps away. Less miles, less waste.
Lower food waste, foods are harvested fresh, on that day and on demand.
Less packaging. Freshly made and freshly picked means longer shelf life with only a little plastic packaging. Most of our fresh food is packaged in recycled paper bags.
Better for you and the world around. Often our foods are organic, pesticide free and our freshly made foods are free from additives, colourings and preservatives and made from basic ingredients.
Connect with and support your community. Actually see where your food is from, learn about and support the suppliers and take part.
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